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Artist: Linda Harrington (Franklinville, NY)

Sponsor: Community Bank, N.A.

Original Location: Community Bank, 201 North Union Street, Olean. CURRENTLY, Sir is located inside the bank.

In the Artists words: When she first read about Woodland in the City, it took her all of 2 seconds to ask her boss to get involved. She has toured Washington, DC to see the Pandas, Buffalo for the herd and Canandaigua for the deer. Knowing how involved Community Bank is with the community, she figured she would take that on and the “Name that Squirrel” contest evolved. A theme and name for Sir Pennywise, the old-time banker, was chosen from over two dozen bank employee entries from their area branches and offices. Some of the entries voted to the top were Pearl the Squirrel, You ain’t Nuttin but a Squirrel, and Cash-ew.

A collection was requested from the area employees to donate the more than 1200 pennies that make up the base for Sir Pennywise. It may sound a little “nutty”, but this squirrel is actually a group effort and has been right from the start.

Bio: Linda Harrington is the Retail Loan Assistant at Community Bank NA (16 years). She involved herself in painting to find use for her “spare” time. Although she doesn’t consider herself to be an artist, she enjoys painting for family and friends, special occasions and just for fun.

Essay: Squirrels By: Max Morton There are many squirrels in Olean. They make me laugh because they look like humans. I think the make Olean special because they have different personalities. My favorite squirrel is Sir Pennywise. He’s my favorite because he is dressed so old fashioned. I like his moneybag and his top hat. The tail on Sir Pennywise is different that other squirrels because its plain and the other squirrels have artwork on theirs.

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