Chamber News

CYBERnews (May 20, 2021)

CYBERnews is a promotional member benefit used by Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce that is sent out via email every other Thursday to its members. Want to sign up? Scroll down to the bottom of the page and we'll be in your inbox soon.Sign Up to Stay in Touch Get...

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Community Garage Sale registration deadline is May 18

The deadline is Tuesday, May 18 at Noon to enter this year’s Community-Wide Garage Sale. The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 22, from 9 AM until 4 PM. The Chamber is encouraging people to get up in their attics, basements, and garages and start sorting and...

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Home Show Palooza is Friday, May 21

As the entire world enters into a ‘new’ normal, Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce is presenting a new option for this year’s Home Show – the Home Show Palooza! “The Palooza is a one-day home show – due to COVID19 restrictions, we couldn’t plan for the normal...

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First STROlean event coming in June

Applications are coming in for the first installment/edition of StrOlean scheduled for Friday, June 4th. “We currently have 23 organizations signed up for retail, event or food vendors for StrOlean,” stated Lisa Carpenter, GOACC Administrative Assistant.

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CYBERnews (May 13, 2021)

CYBERnews is a promotional member benefit used by Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce that is sent out via email every other Thursday to its members. Want to sign up? Scroll down to the bottom of the page and we'll be in your inbox soon.Sign Up to Stay in Touch Get...

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GOACC announces Mileage on the Waterways

GREAT NEWS – COVID 19 restrictions are being lifted but caution and common sense is still a good way to proceed. Kayak weather has begun! Nature is no longer an amenity; it is a necessity. When you are outdoors, the fresh air is constantly moving which is why it is...

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GOACC announces Taco the Town Crawl

The Olean Sports and Social Group and the Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce are teaming up to present the first of many TACO the TOWN CRAWL events. It is a fundraiser to raise funds for not one but two service dogs through the WNY Heroes / Pawsitive for Heroes....

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2021 Taste Wall of Fame nominations open

The Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce (GOACC) and its Taste of Olean Event Committee are now accepting nominations for the 2021 Taste of Olean Hospitality Wall of Fame Awards program. The Hospitality Wall of Fame recognizes individuals and/or businesses who have...

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On the Go (May 2021)

On the Go is the monthly newsletter published by Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce with information on Chamber benefits, Member news and notes, Chamber calendar and more.Sign Up to Stay in Touch Get the news and updates you need to make the most of your Chamber...

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CYBERnews (April 29, 2021)

CYBERnews is a promotional member benefit used by Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce that is sent out via email every other Thursday to its members. Want to sign up? Scroll down to the bottom of the page and we'll be in your inbox soon.Sign Up to Stay in Touch Get...

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